Tips To Prevent Issues With DNS Security

Based on 2020 statistics, it has been seen that 79% of organizations faced DNS attacks, which on average cost USD 924,000, which shows how severe DNS attacks can be. Therefore, it is essential to have a systematic DNS server configuration with a high-security shield that protects against

DNS exploitation like transferring DNS zones, modifying DNS resolvers to report different IP addresses to scam people, redirecting web and email traffic, or launching dangerous DNS amplifying attacks, etc.

If you have registered your website domain name and are going forward with getting web hosting in Singapore, then you should keep reading as we are going to share Tips To Prevent DNS Security issues.

What is a DNS?

DNS is like a giant Yellow Pages phonebook on the internet that your computer uses to find hostnames to IP addresses in order to communicate with websites in a hierarchical domain naming system. 

So, when websites register domain names through a domain registrar, they provide information about the domain and its associated IP addresses on the internet.

Therefore, when someone searches for a domain name in their web browser, the computer checks the distributed database of servers that store information about domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. 

DNS security best practices

There are several ways in which DNS attacks happen—for instance, providing false DNS responses to a DNS resolver, leading it to store incorrect information in its cache, exploiting misconfigured DNS servers, etc. Therefore, let’s understand tips to prevent issues with DNS security.

  1. Regular review your DNS zones

It is essential to review your DNS zone as it contains important information about domain names and their configurations.

Sometimes, certain domains have been set up for testing purposes and over time, we might forget about associated domains or subdomains. It might run outdated software or lack proper security measures and unintentionally expose internal areas to potential attacks due to misconfigures.

Therefore, maintaining regular records and reviews will help to maintain the security and accuracy of the DNS infrastructure.

  1. Maintain up-to-date DNS server

When you maintain the latest version of the DNS server, they are inclusive of patches that help against unknown vulnerabilities.

  1. Avoid zone transfers

A DNS zone transfer is a copy of your DNS zone, which is typically used for legitimate reasons between name servers, but more often, attackers might use it to understand your network better.

 It’s best to limit which DNS servers can perform zone transfers or prohibit the IP addresses allowed to make such requests as it helps protect your essential DNS zone info, and one practical method is using an Access Control List.

  1. Make use of two Factors Authentication 

To avoid a DNS zone compromise, set up a two-factor authentication protection to secure your DNS server. It is best to avoid calls or SMS verification and use Google Authenticator instead, as it is a more secure way.

  1. Disable DNS recursion

DNS recursion is the default setting, which can compromise security and lead to serious security issues, like DNS poisoning attacks. 

With DNS recursion enabled, the server allows queries for other domains, even those not within its master zones, allowing third-party hosts to make unauthorized queries.

Therefore, it is best to turn off DNS recursion unless you specifically need to receive recursive DNS queries.


Vulnerabilities lie in every nook and corner of your DNS system; therefore, following these practices will help to have solid DNS security and will help to tackle any such attack efficiently.

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