Today’s post will be revealing a creative Strategy a British Businessman used for a unlikely Acquisition netting him 60 million pound richer on just 4 million in finance. This post will share more about his creative strategy, and ask the question? Did he use secret intelligence from former British Intelligence to make a deal of a lifetime?

Mergers & Acquisition Case Study
This is Mr. Peter Jones. Mr. Jones usually appears on the Hit TV Show Dragon’s Den on the BBC. During one episode many years ago on the BBC. Peter interviewed a quiet Businessman that did not seem like a creative business magician. When this man was pressed in the interview about his transaction that netted him 8 figures? He revealed a creative strategy that made him an 8 figure fortune.
The man we are talking about in this article is British Businessman and Financier Mr. Chris Dawson. Mr. Dawson negotiated his way to a very lucrative Transaction of a lifetime. Paying literally pennies on the pound.” Making him 60 million pounds richer all of just 4 million in finance.
“How did he do this?

Business Communications Strategy
Did you know as a Business owner and Community leader how you communicate with the Public and Business community is more important than ever? Most Executives and business owners would rather stay quiet and out of the news and it’s ridiculous untrue headlines. However there are a select few Business figures Id like to point out who made it work for them. One of those people is my friend Mr. Marcus Lemonis CEO and Chairman of Camping World and Host of the Hit TV Show The Profit. Marcus has basically turned Prime Time Television into a Deal Flow PR machine for his Company. And if you really consider all things being equal? So has Mr. Peter Jones with his BBC Series and Appearances on Dragons Den. It’s literally the Entrepreneurs Deal Flow Machine. It’s pure Brilliance under the understanding of being a Reality TV Series. This type of strategy is not cheap. However I feel both of these fella’s understand full well the power of the Mass Media. So much so they are laughing all the way to the bank.
This next use of Mass Media and creative strategy for business exhibits pure brilliance.
Developing Business Strategy
This brings me to my point for Strategy on today’s post. A British Businessman named Chris Dawson used the Media clearly to his advantage. Basically what he did was this. The small Business Finance community was informed through Business NEWS, a failing Business Department store was accepting offers. However here is what happened next?
Chris used a someone other than himself to drop a hot tip to several journalists that cover this area in the business papers. The business tip shared that the Failing Department Store had five buyers already in line to buy the failing business. The Media Reported this story. This reported new story basically worked so well. No other buyer wanted to pursue making a offer for the failing company. Leaving Chris as the only Offer which happened to be a low ball offer. This worked in his favor. He cornered and had tricked the competition in to moving on. Leaving him as the only last option for the Failing Business. LOL HAHA!
Since he closed this Transaction. You can already see this strategy secured him a deal of a Lifetime. What other factors made this opportunity so lucrative for Mr. Dawson? Chris owns a chain of Department Stores and it was super easy for him to liquidate all the extra product he had just acquired. Making him a very very rich man. Plus He used the Media to kill off interest from other buyers. That is sure brilliance. But that’s not all that he did to secure this huge Business victory. In the end? It’s likely Mr. Dawson was not only just lucky. Word on the street from my own sources within my community share? He had help from a shadowy group of former British MI6 professionals. We will never know. But I can share this. His deal wasn’t all luck.
M&A Deal and Market Intelligence
Competition Is Fierce. Have a team of Advisors willing to secure on the ground intelligence rather than finance intelligence is vital to successful transactions. I do have several Attorneys and Accountants that have confided in me some of the large firms have become relaxed on the due diligence standards. To combat this when it matters the most? You need professionals who can ensure victory with information not easily found with normal due diligence.
The current Mergers and Acquisitions Market is so competitive and fierce most Private Investors and Private Equity Buyers do sometimes need extra information on markets and on Targets. With all the moving parts and info needed to make a decision? The finances sometimes do not tell the entire story. Wouldn’t it be nice if your executive team had peace of mind with secret information like Chris Dawson? We can offer advisory consulting, and Executive management consulting other firms can not. If your team needs an extra layer of security and intelligence? CONTACT ME NOW. Myself and my veteran brothers come from a variety of backgrounds and all of us have served inside the Intelligence and Military Special Operations community.
Using our teams specialized training and Global War on Terror experiences. Our professionals can ensure your team of executives a extra layer of security while your team of executives and Attorneys are at the negotiating table. Or for when making a group decision to move forward with a transaction. Our small group includes service within Army 75th Rangers. Army Special Forces Green Beret NCO’s, and Senior Officers, and experienced Operators from Marine Special Operations.
In conclusion developing a strategy and securing additional information for business transactions is a smart play. The only thing that truly matters in todays hyper competitive environment is information others are trying to hide. It could very well be a life changing event, or put in play a series of events that create a extraordinary win for you and your team. I hope you enjoyed todays post. And I will hope you found this story and strategy of a British Businessman useful.