Choosing to Live in the Goodness of God — The Better Mom

Choosing to Live in the Goodness of God — The Better Mom

For the last few months, our women’s Bible study has been doing a word study of “good” throughout the Bible. We have found God continually reminding us that:

He is good.
All good things are from Him.
He can use all things for good.

And like any good teacher, His lessons prepare us for the test.

Our second flight was incredibly bumpy, the worst I have ever experienced. You could hear a pin drop as we made our final approach into the Halifax Airport. I was giddy with excitement for the four of us (my three children and I) to jump into the arms of my Papa again after three long years apart!

We waited, and waited, and waited for that thrilling pressure to tighten our chests as the brakes engage at touch down. Instead, there was a collective gasp as the engines unexpectedly roared back to life and the plane heaved skyward again.

Moments later, our Pilot announced that we could not land due to poor visibility. We would make one more attempt before being rerouted to another city because we did not have sufficient fuel for any more tries.

Our second approach was unsuccessful as well. The Pilot eventually shared a new plan and apologized for the delayed announcement – they were also guiding us through a lightning storm. Just what I wanted to hear!

After an incredibly long day of travel, we were going to end up in a completely different city. Tears of frustration pooled in my eyes as I struggled to understand why He hadn’t made a way for us.

But there was this persistent whisper in my heart – “remember I am good.”

I was reminded of the prayer I say when things don’t go my way (which is so very often!). Heavenly Father, I don’t know what you are doing but I know that you are good. I choose to trust you.

No matter what is happening; water gushing from a ruptured pipe, a relational conflict or a rerouted flight – He is for my good and the good of those around me.

Our short two-hour flight ended up being six-and-a-half hours. We landed, refueled and eventually returned to our original destination for a third attempt, and ultimately successful landing.

My good Father had indeed brought me safely into the waiting arms of my good father – just after a five-hour delay, some frayed nerves and exposed trust issues. I was reminded yet again that

God’s goodness is not determined by our circumstances.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

The whole time, we were safe under His wings.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

Three weeks later, we were heading West on our return flight, at just the right time! We followed the sunset the entire way. It was the most beautiful flight and the opposite of what we had experienced before. This one was gorgeous, peaceful and smooth!

About twenty minutes before landing, my daughter and I noticed a thunderstorm way off in the distance. We could see the entire storm cloud, bursting with occasional flashes of light. Rarely, the whole thing lit up like an explosion. It was stunning to watch from above.

But guess what? Surrounding that thunderous storm cloud was only sunset.

It was a powerful, visual reminder that from above, the storm is actually very small, the turbulence is only temporary, and God is very much in control.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sweet one, whatever storm surrounds you right now, set your eyes just above it. The Son is there, and He is good, no matter what. Even in the midst of heart-dropping turbulence, peace and hope that is beyond human understanding can be yours through Jesus.

He is with you, and He is for you!
XO, Heidi

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