10+ B2B Influencer Marketing Predictions From Top Experts & Influencers

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What does the future of B2B influence look like, and how will top global brands succeed with B2B influencer marketing in the push to 2023 and beyond?

With the recent launch of our all-new 59-page 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report, there’s no better time to put these questions to some of the top B2B industry influencers, leading B2B marketers from major brands, and influencer marketing technology platform executives.

The popularity of influencer marketing is on the rise, as 85 percent of respondents to our extensive survey expect activity to increase over the next year, with B2B marketers increasing their level of maturity and sophistication and shifting towards always-on, relationship-based influencer communities.

Let’s jump right in and take an eye-opening look at the future and power of B2B influence from 10 of the world’s top experts and influencers.

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10+ B2B Influencer Marketing Predictions From Top Experts & Influencers

Tamara McCleary
Tamara McCleary
“Skeptical of leadership, brands, and conventional authority, buyer perceptions have changed making relationships a critical piece of the marketing ROI equation. People make purchasing decisions based on recommendations and perceptions of people (not brands) they respect and trust. Influencers will be essential for humanizing B2B brands in 2022.”

Pierre-Loïc Assayag
Pierre-Loïc Assayag
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

“Rising costs of digital advertising and crowded markets make it more important for businesses to find more meaningful ways to market to their buyers. The future belongs to businesses who find creative, authentic, and transparent ways to partner with influencers to elevate their own brand and reach audiences where they want to be.”

Hana Benkirane
Hana Benkirane
Senior Marketing Manager
LinkedIn Sales Solutions

“Influencer marketing will continue to play a critical role for B2B brands and their go-to-market strategies. The power lies in building authentic relationships with like-minded influencers who can amplify your brand’s message to existing and future customers.”
Jay Baer
Jay Baer
Keynote Speaker, Best Selling
Author and Founder
Convince & Convert

“With competition for influencers skyrocketing, brands will make longer term commitments to preferred influencers, working with them on comprehensive programs. In turn, influencers will make non-compete commitments to specific brands. The same way Matthew McConaughey cannot endorse Lincoln and Toyota, B2B influencers will need to tie their influence to one competitor per industry.”

Kevin Jackson
Kevin Jackson
Best Selling Author and
Senior Vice President Channel Sales
Total Network Service

“Like every other new business, the rapid and broad-based adoption of influencer marketing has demanded a much higher level of professionalism and innovation.
Influencers must not only tailor their message to address their target audience’s primary business challenges, but they must also make themselves available for interactive exchanges via multiple social media communications channels.”

Click Play – This post is brought to you by the 2022 State of Influencer Marketing Research Report – Check out the preview here or download the FULL Report.

Amisha Gandhi
Amisha Gandhi
SVP Marketing

“The future is all about integrated marketing and customer experience. Marketers will need to plug the influencer component into the complex process of B2B purchasing cycles across all the touch points (from blog content to gated experiences to ABM to advocacy) to drive engagement and ROI.”

Angela Lipscomb
Angela Lipscomb
Influencer Relations Manager

“B2B brands will start looking to new platforms to help reach a millennial and Gen Z audience. TikTok creators will join traditional technology influencers on the ‘influencer starting team.’ Influencer managers will need to learn the nuances of working with these creators, but the basics will always hold true of being authentic, collaborative and relationship-oriented.”

Theodora Lau
Theodora Lau
Author, Founder
Unconventional Ventures

“I believe storytelling will gain prominence in B2B marketing as brands seek to connect to their audience in new and different ways; and we have a unique opportunity to help shape the stories through a lens of shared purpose and vision of the future.”

Jon Leiberman
Jon Leiberman
Vice-President of Content, Social and
Influencer Marketing

“Do you want people to actually pay attention? Then use video. Words spoken directly from the mouths of influencers resonate in a way that words on a screen do not. B2B will continue to more closely resemble B2C when it comes to using video as a tool for influence.”

Tim Williams
Tim Williams
“Influencer marketing is now an essential part of B2B marketing strategy yet influencers and brands are still working out the best ways to collaborate. Technology is now required to mature the industry by setting the engagement standards and streamlining influencer activation and management.”

The Future of B2B Influencer Marketing: Learn More

As these insightful predictions from Tamara, Pierre-Loïc, Hana, Jay, Kevin, Amisha, Angela, Theodora, Jon, and Tim show, the future of B2B influencer marketing is a bright one.

Thanks to each for sharing helpful insight on what the future holds for successful B2B influencer marketing.

To help you easily connect with and follow all of the top B2B influencer marketing experts we’ve featured here, plus all of the other leading subject matter experts featured in our 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report, be sure to follow the handy Twitter list we’ve created.

You can also gain additional insights from the report by following the 20 B2B influencer marketing experts it features — which our CEO Lee Odden recently shared in “Spotlight on Talent: 20 B2B Influencer Marketing Experts to Follow in 2022 and Beyond” — and by getting an introduction to some of the key take-aways it contains by checking out our “Infographic: 20 Key Insights From The 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Report.”

You’ll find much more about the future of B2B influencer marketing and its power in relationship building, creating influencer communities, internal executive influence and more in our all-new 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report. It’s 59 pages are rich with survey insights, case studies from B2B brands, a list of 20 top influencer marketing practitioners from major B2B brands, and much more.

Get started now and explore our all-new 2022 B2B Influencer Marketing Report preview, or jump right in and download the full data-packed report PDF.

Download 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report